10.When programming is complete and
all of the times and temperatures
match your desired heating schedule,
touch Run Schedule. The thermostat
will now run your program.
Enter the Cooling Program
1. Touch the SYSTEM key until the Cool
icon appears.
2. Follow Enter Heating Program instruc-
tions for entering cooling times and
Programmable Fan
The indoor fan/blower can be selected
to turn on and off with the cycle of the
system or to run all the time whether the
system is on or off. In the Set Schedule
mode, the FAN key is used to select the
fan operation during a program period.
The default state of the FAN key is FAN
Auto. It can be changed to FAN Prog.
In the Run Schedule mode, during a pro-
gram period that has FAN Prog sched-
uled, the fan will turn on and stay on
during the complete period. The display
will show FAN On Prog. The programma-
ble fan can be overridden by touching the
FAN key to select Auto or On.
18 3
QUICK START GUIDE................................ 7
Set Current Time and Day........................... 7
Choose the System Setting.......................... 8
Energy Saving Factory Pre-program................... 8
USING YOUR THERMOSTAT .......................... 9
Planning Your Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Programming Tips – Copy Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Heating and Cooling Worksheet ...................... 17
Enter the Heating Program .......................... 18
Enter the Cooling Program .......................... 18
Programmable Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
DIAGNOSTICS...................................... 19
Diagnostics (Fault) Screen .......................... 19
Record of Thermostat Options Selected ........ Back Cover
Service Information ........................ Back Cover
Enter the Heating Program
1. Touch the Menu key to display ad-
ditional key choices.
2. Touch the Set Schedule key. The
top of the display will show the day
being programmed. The time and Set
At temperature are also displayed.
“MORNING” will also be displayed to
indicate the period.
3. Touch SYSTEM key to select Heat in
the SYSTEM switch area indicating
the active mode being programmed.
You can change to the other mode by
touching the SYSTEM key at any time.
4. Touch
and key to change
the temperature to your selected
temperature for the 1st heating period
5. Touch or key to adjust the start
time for period. The time will change in
15 minute increments.
6. Touch FAN to select Auto or Prog.
7. After you have set the time and the
temperature for the period to begin,
touch Set Schedule to advance to the
next program period.
8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 until all of
the program times and temperatures
are set for all program periods for that
9. Use the Copy Key to copy the pro-
gram as described previously or touch
Advance Day to change to the next
day and repeat steps 4 through 9 until
programs for all days are entered.