when you manually raise the setting and want to allow the
thermostat to stage based on recent system performance.
The Fast Cool feature operates the cooling stages in the
same manner as Fast Heat, On or Off when the tempera-
ture is lowered below the room setting.
27. Select Remote Temperature Sensor – Allows one
wired remote temperature sensor (indoor, F145-1328, or
outdoor, F145-1378) be connected to it and indicates the
measured temperature in clock digits. This item allows
you to select the remote sensor and also confi gure it as
indoor or outdoor temperature sensor. Factory default
is off. Select Remote On and Remote in (for indoor) or
Outdoor Remote.
Local Temperature Sensor disable – This is applicable
only when indoor remote temperature sensor is enabled.
Factory default is On LS. You can make it Off LS if de-
sired by using
or touch keys. Then, only the indoor
remote temperature reading will be used for control.
28. Select Dual Fuel Feature With No Outdoor Sensor
(dF) – This feature is applicable only in heat pump modes
and with no outdoor sensor. When selected ON, the
thermostat will use software logic to determine when to
switch to gas heat and shut down the compressor.
Select DF setting (dF) – With DF selected On and no
outdoor sensor, select the dF setting from 01-09. Fac-
tory default is 05. The dF setting infl uences when second
stage comes on. The factory default creates a separation
of approximately 1
F between stages. Increasing the set-
ting decreases the separation between stages. Decreas-
ing the value increases stage separation. This adjust-
ment allows a small change in the operation of your heat
pump system versus your auxiliary system relative to the
thermostat adjustment. The higher the number the sooner
the auxiliary stage energizes. The lower the number the
longer period of time before auxiliary is energized.
Note: This setting is not minutes or degrees. It is numeric
setting that will infl uence the internal thermostat calcula-
tion for staging.
Select Compressor Delay (Cd) – After the auxiliary heat
is turned on, the compressor(s) shut down is delayed for
the time selected (in seconds). This delay is factory set to
60, but can be set in the range of 0 to 99.
29. Select Dual Fuel Feature Using Outdoor Sensor (dF)
– This feature is applicable only in heat pump modes and
with an outdoor sensor installed and enabled in step 27.
When selected ON, the thermostat will use the outdoor
sensor temperature to determine when to switch to gas
heat and shut down the compressor.
Select DF setting (dF) – With DF selected ON, select the
setting for outdoor temperature. When the outdoor tem-
perature goes below the selected temperature, the gas
heat will begin. Default is 35°, but can be set in the range
of 5° to 50°.
Select Compressor Delay (Cd) – After the auxiliary heat
is turned on, the compressor(s) shut down is delayed for
the time selected (in seconds). This delay is factory set to
60, but can be set in the range of 0 to 99.
30. Select Auxiliary Off (AO) – Select the temperature that
will inhibit the auxiliary heating stage. As long as the out-
door temperature is above the selected temperature, the
auxiliary heat will not turn on. The default setting is 60°,
but can be set in the range of 35
° to 80°.
31. Select Programmable Blower Balance Point (bP) – Re-
quires DHM connection from thermostat to heat pump
system. This feature de-energizes the DHM terminal to
operate the blower at a slower speed for fi rst stage heat
when the outdoor temperature is below the temperature
selected. This circulates warmer air than the higher fan
speed. The default is 80
(disabled), but can be set from
to 79
. Select an outdoor temperature where the air
coming out of the ducts begins to feel cool and the ther-
mostat will lower the fan speed to circulate warmer air.
32. Humidity Display (Hd) – Selecting HD On enables the
display to alternately show the current time and the hu-
midity. If HD is selected OFF, the display will not show the
33. Adjustable Humidity Display – The display will show
the ambient humidity and 00 (default). The setting can
be changed from -20 and LO to 20 and HI. The displayed
humidity will change as the offset is changed. In Run
mode, the displayed humidity will be the ambient humidity
adjusted by the setting selected.
34. Auto Humidity Reduction (HR) – This feature au-
tomatically lowers humidity setting when the outside
temperature drops to prevent the interior windows/walls
from reaching the dew point where water condenses on
surfaces. This feature default is OFF. It can be changed
to select LO (low humidity reduction) or HI. To achieve
automatic humidity reduction, the thermostat lowers the
humidity when furnace cycles are long. When the outside
temperature rises, it increases humidity. "LO" indicates a
low amount of humidity reduction.
35. Automatic Humidifi cation (AH) – This feature if enabled
allows for humidifi cation independent of a call for heating
– useful in arid climates where addition humidifi cation in
heating and/or cooling is desired. If enabled, will energize
the humidifi er and circulator blower (“G” terminal and the
“HM” terminal) if the actual humidity is below the humid-
ity set point. The display indicates AH. Pressing the
key will cycle the display from OFF to H (feature enabled
in Heat mode) to C (feature enabled in Cool mode) to A
(feature enabled to Auto mode) and back to OFF.
36. Cycle Humidifi er (CH) – This feature provides an op-
tion that reduces the water usage by up to 50% when a
fl ow-through humidifi er is controlled by the thermostat. It
is recommended for use on fl ow-through humidifi ers only.
The display indicates CH (Cycle Humidifi er) with the de-
fault indicating OFF. Pressing the
or keys will toggle
the display from OFF to On and back to OFF. When CH is
enabled, the humidifi er will cycle to turn off for 10 minutes
after it has run for 10 minutes. The blower and/or furnace
will continue to run during the humidifi er off period.
37. Programmable Dehumidifi cation Optimal Comfort
Mode (OC) or Optimal Dehumidifi cation (Od) – This
item can be selected to OC (Optimal Comfort mode), Od
(Optimal Dehumidifi cation), or OFF. When Optimal Com-
fort (OC) is enabled, this feature automatically reduces
indoor humidity with a call for Cooling if humidity is 2%
above humidity setpoint. Humidity is set by pressing the
Humidity key when in the appropriate mode, in this case
Cooling, and pressing the
or keys to set desired
humidity (range 40% to 95%) level followed by pressing
Humidity key again. This dehumidifi cation feature uses
less energy by maintaining temperature and dehumidify-
ing only when a call for Cooling is required. Optimal De-
humidifi cation (Od) when enabled, this feature automati-