1. This control can be confi gured for:
MS2 – Multi-Stage System - No Heat Pump (2 heat/2
HP1 – Heat Pump with one stage of compressor (2
heat/1 cool)
HP2 – Heat Pump with two stage compressor or two
compressor system, Gas or Electric backup; (Dual Fuel
see menu item 27) (4 heat/2 cool)
SS1 – Single Stage System and 3 wire zone systems see
wiring diagrams.
2. GAS or Electric (ELE) fan operation. If the heating
system requires the thermostat to energize the fan, select
ELE. Select GAS if the heating system energizes the
fan on a call for heat. Note: Resetting the thermostat
switches the option to GAS.
3. O/B Terminal selection – Selects the operation of the
reversing valve (when item 1 is set to HP1 or HP2 only).
When set to "O" the changeover valve will be energized
in COOL to accommodate the majority of heat applica-
tions. If the heat pump requires the changeover valve to
energize in HEAT, select "B".
4. Programs per week – This control can be confi gured for
7 independent day or 5/1/1 day programming or nonpro-
grammable modes. Default is 7-day mode. The display
indicates "7 Days" as default. Other options "5 Days" or
"0 Days" can be selected. If "0 Days" is selected for non-
programmable mode, the step for EMR will be skipped, as
this feature will not be available in this mode.
5. System Switch Confi guration (MS2/SS1) – This ther-
mostat is confi gured for Heat and Cool with Auto change-
over default (Cool-Off-Heat-Auto). It can be confi gured as
Heat & Cool (Cool-Off-Heat), or Heat Only (Off-Heat), or
Cool Only (Cool-Off).
When the control is in heat pump confi guration (HP1/
HP2), the system switch confi guration will have an
additional mode available, Em for Emergency Mode.
6. Energy Management Recovery (EMR) – (this step is
skipped if confi gured as non-programmable). When set
to "On" causes the thermostat to start heating or cooling
early to make the building temperature reach the program
setpoint at the time you specify.
Example: The heating program is 65°F at night and 70°
at 7 AM. If the building temperature is 65°F, the difference
is 5°F. Allowing 5 minutes per °F rise, the thermostat set-
point will change to 70° at 6:35 AM. Cooling allows more
time per °F, because it takes longer to reach temperature.
7, 8 & 9. Cycle Rate Selection – The factory default setting
is fast cycle (FA Cr) in all modes (Heat, Cool, Emer). To
change to slow cycling (SL, Cr), press touch keys
toggle between FA & SL. The cycle rates are below:
Mode Fast rate Slow rate
Heat 0.6°F 1.2°F
Cool 1.2°F 1.7°F
Emer 1.2°F 1.7°F
10. Select Compressor Lockout (CL) – Selecting (CL On)
will cause the thermostat to wait 5 minutes between cool-
ing cycles. This is intended to help protect the compressor
from short cycling. Some of the newer compressors have
a time delay built in and do not require this feature to be
activated in the thermostat. Your compressor manufactur-
er can tell you if this lockout feature is already present in
their system. When the thermostat compressor time delay
is activated, it will fl ash the set point for up to fi ve minutes.
11. Select Continuous Backlight (dL) – In low lighting con-
ditions, display backlight improves the display contrast.
When C terminal is connected, selecting dL On will turn
the backlight on continuously. Selecting dL Off will turn
the backlight on momentarily after any key is pressed.
When C terminal is not powered (battery only), dL On
enables the momentary backlight whenever a key is
12. Select Backlight Intensity – This thermostat has the
ability to provide two selectable intensities of the back-
light: HI and LO. You can toggle the selection between HI
and LO.
13. Select Temperature Display Adjustment 5 LO to 5 HI
This allows you to adjust the room temperature display
by -5°F to +5°F in 1° steps. Your thermostat was accu-
rately calibrated at the factory, however you have the
option to change the display temperature value to match
the previous thermostat, if you so prefer.
to select from
listed options
dF (35) 5-50 Selects Dual Fuel setpoint (°F) with outdoor sensor available.
Cd (60) 0-99 Selects compressor delay in seconds.
28 28 26 AO (80) 35-74 Selects Auxiliary Heat cut out temperature. This item appears if HP1 or
HP2 is selected and outdoor sensor is installed and enabled.
29 29 27
bP (80) 79-20 Not used
30 30 NA PP (o) 1, 2, 3 Select Pre-occupancy purge.
31 31 NA EC (OFF) ON Select Economizer or Damper Operation (default)
32 32 28 Change UV
Lamp (OFF)
On Selects Change UV Lamp feature.
350 Days 25-1975 Change UV Lamp duration days.
33 33 29 OFF
Change Filter
On Selects Change Filter feature.
200 Hrs 25-1975 Change Filter duration hours.