Thermostat must be in Heat, Cool or Auto. Press and hold the Menu button for at least 5 seconds. The display will show item
#1 in the table below. Press Menu to advance to the next menu item. Press
or to change a menu item options.
HP SS Press
(Factory Default)
to select from listed
1 1 1 MENU (MS 2) HP 1, HP 2, SS 1 Selects Multi-Stage (MS 2 No Heat Pump),
Heat Pump 1 (HP 1, 1 compressor),
Heat Pump 2 (HP 2, 2 compressor or 2
speed compressor), or Single Stage (SS 1)
2 2 2 MENU (GAS) for SS or MS
(ELE) for HP
ELE GAS setting: furnace controls the blower
ELE setting: thermostat controls the blower
3 3 3 MENU CS (3) 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 Selects Cool Savings
Value 1 (low) to 6 (high),
Value 0 disables feature
4 4 4 MENU E (On) OFF Selects Energy Management Recovery (EMR)
On or OFF.
5 – 5 MENU CR Heat (ME) SL, FA Selects Adjustable Anticipation, cycle rate, Heat
(This item only appears when MS 2 or SS 1 is
selected above)
6 5 – MENU CR Heat Pump
SL, FA Selects Adjustable Compressor Anticipation
(Heat Pump) This item only appears when
HP 1, HP 2 is selected above
7 6 6 MENU CR Cool (ME)
Selects Adjustable Anticipation, cycle rate, cool
(when MS 2 or SS 1 is selected above.) or
Selects the cycle rate for Auxiliary stage (when
HP 1 or HP 2 is selected above)
8 7 7 MENU CL (OFF) CL On Compressor Lockout Time
9 8 8 MENU Em Heat, Auto
Cool Off
Heat, Auto,Cool Off
Heat Cool Off,
Heat Off with Fan icon,
Heat Off without Fan icon
Cool Off, Auto Off
System Mode Confi guration
with Automatic Changeover capability
10 9 9 MENU dL (On) dL OFF Selects Display Light On or OFF
11 10 10 MENU 0
(current temperature)
1 HI, 2 HI, 3HI, 4 HI,
1 LO, 2 LO, 3 LO, 4 LO
Adjustable Ambient Temperature Display
12 11 11 MENU °F °C Selects Fahrenheit/Celsius Temperature Display
13 12 12 MENU (On) b OFF May select Beeper OFF to stop audible
key feedback
14 13 13 MENU P (7) 3, 0 Defaults 7-day programming (P7) but non-
programmable (0) or 5/1/1 programming (P3)
is available on most models.
15 14 14 MENU PS (4) 2 Selects Program periods per day:
4 = Morn, Day, Eve, Night
2 = Day, Night
16 15 15 MENU Heat AS (On) OFF Automatic Schedule for heat mode
17 16 16 MENU Cool AS (On) OFF Automatic Schedule for cool mode
18 17 – MENU Heat FA (On) OFF Fast Heat option may be disabled by
selecting OFF. NA to SS or HP1 confi g.
19 18 – MENU Cool FA (On) OFF Fast Cool option may be disabled by
selecting OFF. NA to SS or HP1 confi g.
20 19 17 MENU Remote (OFF) On Selects Remote Sensor On/OFF
MENU Remote
Outdoor Selects Remote Sensor to outdoor
NA is Remote Sensor OFF
MENU Indoor Loc
OFF Selects Local Sensor (in thermostat) to OFF.
N/A if Remote is selected to Outdoor