To enter the Configuration Menu, SYSTEM must be set to HEAT, COOL, EMER or AUTO. With thermostat in Heat, Cool or
Auto, in normal operation, press the Menu button for at least 5 seconds. The display will show item #1 in the table below. Press
Menu to advance to the next menu, Press
or to change an item option. Shaded items are not available to 1F83.
or to
select from listed options
1F85 1F83
01 01
(OFF) Lk L Selects Keypad Lockout.
(Not available on earlier models, see 37-6894D)
02 02
(000) Lk 001 to 999 Selects Keypad lockout combination number
03 03
(MS 2) HP 1, SS 1 Selects Multi-Stage (MS 2 No Heat Pump),
Heat Pump 1 (HP 1, 1 compressor),
or Single Stage (SS 1)
04 04
(GAS) ELE Select Gas or Electric heat
05 05
1, 2, 4, 5, 6 Selects Cool Savings
Value 1 (low) to 6 (high), Value 0 Disables Feature
06 —
Selects Energy Management Recovery (EMR)
On or OFF. 1F85 only
07 06
CR Heat
SL, FA Adjustable Anticipation:
Selects heating cycle rate for MS or SS
08 07
CR Cool
SL, FA Adjustable Anticipation: Selects the cycle rate for
cooling (only when MS2 or SS1 is selected in item 1)
09 08
CR Heat Pump
SL, FA Adjustable Anticipation (Heat Pump)
(only when heat pump is selected in #1)
10 09
CR Emer
Selects the cycle rate for Emergency mode and
Auxiliary stage if Heat Pump is selected in item 1)
11 10
(OFF) CL CL On Compressor Lockout Time
12 11
Heat-Auto-Cool-Off Auto-Off, Cool-Off,
Heat-Off without Fan,
Heat-Off Heat-Cool-Off
Selects System Mode Conguration
13 12
(On) dL dL OFF Selects Display Light On or OFF
14 13
(current temperature)
1 HI, 2 HI, 3 HI, 4 HI,
1 LO, 2 LO, 3 LO, 4 LO
Adjustable Ambient Temperature Display
15 14
°F °C
Selects Fahrenheit/Celsius Temperature Display
L (90) Heat L 62 to L 89 Selects Limited HEAT Range
L (45) Cool L 46 to L 82 Selects Limited COOL Range
18 —
P3 P0, P2
Defaults for 5+1+1 programming (P3) but non-
programmable (PO) or 5+2 programming (P2)
is available on most models. 1F85 only
19 —
(On) AS Heat
OFF Automatic Schedule for heat mode. 1F85 only.
NA to Cool only system.
20 —
(On) AS Cool OFF
Automatic Schedule for cool mode. 1F85 only.
NA to Heat only system.
21 17
(On) FA Heat OFF Fast Heat option may be disabled by selecting OFF.
NA to SS cong. NA to Cool only system.
22 18
(On) FA Cool OFF Fast Cool option may be disabled by
selecting OFF. NA to SS cong.
NA to Heat only system.
23 19
Selects active Comfort Alert On or OFF.
Require CA II Module. (Not available on earlier models)
24 —
(On) dS OFF
Selects Automatic daylight Savings Time option
On or OFF. 1F85 only
25 20
(OFF) Change Filter On Selects Filter Change-out Indicator On or OFF.
26 21
(200 h) Change Filter 25-1975 h Change Filter time in 25 hour increments. This
menu only appears if On is selected in above.
27 22
(o) On Cool (b) On Heat
Selects operation of the reversing valve terminal
(O/B) output as an O or B terminal.