Temperature/Voltage Mode
The unit can be programmed to display either the outside
temperature or battery voltage along with Highway/City
modes. See Option Select Mode. Display reads:
• Ice Warning Mode: When temperature drops to 32˚F
display reads:
Unit then gives a unique warning tone. This will only hap-
pen once after the unit is first turned on. When either Hi T
or Lo T is displayed, the limits of the temperature sensor
have been reached.
Note: Temperature may rise while vehicle is stopped and
idling, this is normal.
Engaging/Disengaging VG-2
See option select mode to turn this feature on/off.
Note: Selecting “POP OFF” turns VG-2 ON.
City/City 1/City 2 Mode
Whistler’s Three Stage City Mode is designed to reduce the
annoyance of automatic door openers, intrusion alarms and
other devices which share frequencies with police radar.
Generally X band is used for these devices.
• Press
City to engage City. Display shows:
• Pressing
City a second time engages City 1. Display shows:
• Pressing City a third time engages City 2. Display shows:
• Pressing City a fourth time cancels City 2 Mode and
returns the unit to Highway Mode. Display shows:
In City Mode, weak speed/safety radar signals give an initial
alarm of two beeps, and then remains quiet unless the signal
becomes very strong. When the signal strength increases, two
additional beeps are provided. In City 1 Mode, only the X band
sensitivity is lowered. City 1 & City 2 Modes operate the same as
Highway Mode, but in City 1 Mode, only the X- band sensitivity
is lowered. In City 2 Mode, X-band is not detected.
CAUTION: When selecting this mode, some towns/small cities may still be using X band radar.
If Auto Quiet is engaged in City 1 or City 2 modes and the unit receives
a strong radar signal, the unit performs the Auto Quiet
feature.City Modes do not change the audio alert for laser
or VG-2.