The treadmill console offers a selection of features
designed to make your workouts more effective. When
the manual mode of the console is selected, the speed
and incline of the treadmill can be changed with the
touch of a button. As you exercise, the console will
display continuous exercise feedback. You can even
measure your heart rate using the built-in pulse sensor.
Step Program
Walking is one of the most popular exercises world-
wide. Walking does not require advanced conditioning
or special skills, yet it produces numerous benefits,
such as increased calorie burning, a slimmer waist,
toned muscles, enhanced energy and stamina, lower
blood pressure, and reduced stress.
To track your walking exercise, the console features a
new step program that counts the number of steps that
you take during each workout. In addition, the console
offers a step program that allows you to enter the num-
ber of steps that you plan to walk, and counts down the
steps as you exercise.
More reliable than conventional pedometers, the tread-
millʼs step program is highly accurate with most users.
For the best results, try to maintain a steady pace, a
uniform stride length, and a consistent position on the
treadmill as you walk. Lighter users may also find it
helpful to reduce the incline of the treadmill or to
increase the speed of the walking belt.
Calorie Goal Programs
The console also features four calorie goal programs.
Each program controls the speed and incline of the
treadmill to help you burn unwanted pounds.
To use the manual mode of the console, follow the
steps beginning on page 13. To use a step program,
see page 15. To use a calorie goal program, see
page 16.
IMPORTANT: To prevent damage to the walking
platform, wear clean athletic shoes while using the
treadmill. The first time you use the treadmill, ob-
serve the alignment of the walking belt, and center
the walking belt if necessary (see page 21).
Note: The console can display speed and distance in
either miles or kilometers (see THE INFORMATION
MODE on page 17). For simplicity, all instructions in
this section refer to miles.
Note: If there are sheets of clear plastic
on the console, remove the plastic.