
Printing Patient Data
Welch Allyn 112 Propaq Encore Reference Guide
The OxyCRG is a graphical printout of two minutes of continuous HR/PR and SpO
numerics, and a condensed respiratory waveform. If any of the parameters have been
completely inactive for the two minutes prior to the initiation of the print, the associated
band will be empty.
OxyCRG on Alarm
When an alarm condition is detected, a print will be initiated if OXYCRG ON ALARM is
turned on. If an SpO
or HR/PR alarm condition is detected, an OxyCRG will be queued to
print 60 seconds after the alarm is detected. If an Apnea or RR/BR alarm condition is
detected, an OxyCRG will be queued to print 75 seconds after the alarm is detected.
The parameters which have alarmed in the two-minute period are indicated by the highlight
of the corresponding labels.