
*Information as of April 2003
Product Disclaimer
All power brushes are not equivalent when it comes to
brush head configuration, brush head motion, and
number and type of brush strokes per minute. Therefore,
expectations of similar clinical outcomes on products of
differing brands cannot be assumed.
1. Goldie MP. Power toothbrushing: An easy, effective
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11. Heasman PA et al. Power toothbrushes: A review of
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13. Blanco VL et al. In vitro effect of the SenSonic
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14. MacNeill S et al. Sonic and mechanical toothbrushes:
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15. Barnes C. A clinical evaluation of the effect on gin-
givitis and plaque reduction of the SenSonic
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16. Zimmer S et al. Clinical study of the effectiveness of
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17. Hefferren J et al. Assessment of the stain removal
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18. Barnes C et al. A comparison of a Waterpik
motor power toothbrush and a manual toothbrush in
affecting interproximal bleeding reduction and dental
biofilm accumulation. J Clin Dent 2003; 14: 49-52.
19. In-house data on file.
Product Comparison: High Speed Power Brushes*
SynchroSonic™ Plus Advanced Action Sonic Plaque Braun Oral B
3D Excel Pulsating Sonicare
Removal System - Model DT 400 Model - D17511 Model 7500
Parent company Waterpik Technologies Oral-B
Laboratories Philips Oral Healthcare, Inc
Brush stroke Randomized (sonic) Oscillation + in & out pulsation Sonic (back & forth)
Brush stroke per minute 40,000 40,000 pulsations 31,000
7,600 oscillations
Speeds 2 2 2
Timer 2 minute 2 minute 2 minute
30 second quadrant alert Yes No Yes
Brush heads/accessories 2 brush heads 1 brush head 1 brush head
1 tongue cleaner
1 polisher
Promotional price $24.99 $29.95 $39.99
Direct professional pricing Yes Yes Yes
Clinically proven better than
a manual brush at reducing:
• Plaque • Yes • Yes • Yes
• Gingivitis/bleeding • Yes • Yes • No
• Stain • No • Yes • No
PN 20007016-ART
© 2003 Water Pik, Inc. FN 20007016ART-F AA