Page 52
The pen side switch does not work. Be sure you are using the pen that originally came with your
interactive pen display, or an Intuos4 pen which has a part
number ending in “-01”. Other pens may not function
properly on the pen display.
Be sure you press the side switch when the pen tip is within
proximity (5 mm (0.2 inch)) of the pen display active area.
Do this without pressing down on the pen tip.
In the Wacom Tablet control panel, verify that the side switch
is set to the proper function you are expecting to occur for
the application and input tool you are using.
Check also the S
IDE SWITCH MODE. If CLICK & TAP is selected,
you will need to first press the side switch then touch the pen
tip to the pen display screen surface in order to perform a
click function.
Make sure the status LED lights blue when you press the
side switch. If the LED does not light, verify that the USB
cable is plugged into an active USB port on your computer or
on a USB hub.
If the LED still does not light, you may have defective
hardware (see “Troubleshooting” on page 42).
The pen tip and screen cursor do
not properly line up.
Open the Wacom Tablet control panel and select the
ALIBRATE tab. Continue with “Calibrating Cintiq” on
page 36.
The screen cursor moves but it
does not jump to the pen tip
location when the pen is placed on
the display screen, and it does not
follow the pen tip when the pen is
moved across the display.
Make sure the Wacom driver has loaded properly by opening
the Wacom Tablet control panel. If the driver did not load
you will see an error message. If an error message appears,
reboot your computer. If the problem persists, refer to the
Installation instructions and reinstall the Wacom driver
software. (For Macintosh, you must restart your computer
after installing the Wacom driver for proper operation.)
If you have customized the side switch on your pen to toggle
between P
EN mode and MOUSE mode, make sure that your
pen display is operating in P
EN mode.
When using Cintiq on a multiple
monitor system, you cannot use
the pen to control the other
Press an ExpressKey that is set to D
ISPLAY TOGGLE in order to
cycle between pen control for Cintiq and your other displays.
See the Software User’s Manual for details on working with
Display Toggle.
You can also use your pen to control the other monitors in
OUSE mode. To use MOUSE mode, first set a pen button to
ODE TOGGLE.... Then use the button to toggle between PEN
mode and MOUSE mode.