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http://<servername>/cg i - b i n / c a m c t r l . c g i
? [move=<value>][&focus=<value>]
[&speedapp=<value>][&auto=<value>][&zoom=<value>][&return=<return page>]
parameter value description
home Move to camera to home position
up Move camera up
down Move camera down
left Move camera left
right Move camera right
speedpan -5 ~ 5 Set the pan speed
speedtilt -5 ~ 5 Set the tilt speed
speedapp -5 ~ 5 Set the auto pan/patrol speed
pan Auto pan
patrol Auto patrol
stop Stop camera
return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the
parameter is assigned. The <return page> can be
a full URL path or relative path according to the
current path. If you omit this parameter, it will
redirect to an empty page.
Note: This request requires camera control access privilege
Method: GET