Step 1: Start PhotoExplorer. Select “File” -> “TWAIN Acquire” ->
“Select Source”. Select the Twain source.
Step 2: In the “Select Source” dialog box. Select and highlight “ViviCam
3350B” and click “Select”. (You may have other Twain devices on your
Step 3: Select “File” -> “TWAIN Acquire”
-> “Acquire Now” to bring up the “ViviCam
3350B” GUI.
The ViviCam 3350B GUI will appear. Use
the ViviCam 3350B GUI as described in
Section 5.1 with one exception. Because
the ViviCam 3350B GUI has been called from
a Twain application. Click on “Transfer” to
transfer Images and movie-clip into the
PhotoExplorer working area.
Note: A Twain-aware application is any software application that recognizes
a Twain device. Most imaging and image editing application programs
support Twain cameras. Refer to the help file for your favorite image
program for more information.
Note: Some Twain applications only allow you to transfer one image at a