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DM Industries, Ltd.
2320 NW 147th Street, Miami, Florida 33054
DM Industries, Ltd., extends this limited warranty solely to the original
Purchaser of any Eco Spa purchased within the United States or
SPA SHELL: DM Industries, Ltd., warrants its shells against loss of
water due to defects in materials and workmanship for five (5) years
from the original date of purchase.
The surface is warranted against blistering, cracking and chipping
resulting from a defect in the surface material for a period of two (2)
years from the original date of purchase.
DM Industries, Ltd., warrants all factory installed electrical compo-
nents– pumps, blowers, and control system – and plumbing compo-
nents – jets, controllers, and air injectors,– to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the orig-
inal date of purchase. The plumbing infrastructure, such as glued
joints, pipes and hoses are also warranted to be free from defects in
material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year.
Wearable components such as filter cartridges, light bulbs and fuses,
are not covered under this warranty but are warranted to be free from
defects in material and workmanship at the time of the original delivery.
Covers, as supplied by DM Industries, Ltd., are warranted to be free
from manufacturing defects for a period of one (1) year.
Dealer added options are excluded from this warranty and are cov-
ered under separate warranties from their respective manufacturers.
In the event of a defect covered by this warranty, notify your DM
Industries, Ltd., dealer within 10 days of the time the defect is
discovered. Proof of purchase is required. There is no infield service
warranty. Components such as equipment pump or control center
should be taken or delivered to closest service center. There will be
no charge for service to repair or replacement components within the
first 90 days of purchase. After 90 days, you will be accessed a
minimum service charge of $65.00. Plumbing repairs (leaks) may be
done in-field (at the option of servicing dealer/center). DM Industries,
Ltd., at its sole option, may elect to substitute a spa or component of
equal value, either new or reconditioned, to correct a defect. Such
replacement shall assume, as its warranty, the remaining portion of
the warranty on the original product. If the entire spa needs to be sub-
stituted because the repair is not feasible or the repair can not be per-
formed in the field, reasonable costs to pick up the defective spa and
return it or delivering and installing the replacement spa will be the
responsibility of the spa owner.
This warranty is void if DM Industries, Ltd., or its representative deter-
mines that the spa has been subjected to any alterations or repairs by
anyone other than an authorized representative of DM Industries, Ltd.
Eco Spas are NOT APPROVED for commercial applications. DM
Industries, Ltd., will not be responsible for the cost of replacement
parts or labor cost of any spa found to be used in a commercial appli-
cation. This warranty shall also be voided if there is evidence that the
spa has been subjected to misuses, abuses, negligence, improper
installation or operations other than in accordance with the instruc-
tions in the owner’s manual, including but not limited to damage to
components caused by improper pH balance or other improper water
chemistry maintenance, (use of chlorine based products other than
dichlorine voids all warranties,) or by failure to maintain and clean the
filtration system; damage to components or spa surface caused by
operating the spa at water temperatures outside the range of 32
degrees F (freezing) and 120 degrees F (excessive heat); damage to
the surface caused by leaving the spa uncovered while empty of
water and in direct exposure to sunlight; damage caused by improp-
er or incorrect electrical hook-up, modifications to internal electrical
assembly boxes and grounding system, by electrical installations
done by anyone other than licensed professionals in non-conformity
with state and local codes or by power surges or spikes; or damage
caused by Acts of God or conditions beyond the control of DM
Industries, Ltd.
Except as expressly provided, there shall be no other warranty or
obligation, expressed or implied, oral or statutory. No dealer or other
person has the authority to make any warranties or representations
covering DM Industries, Ltd., or its products. DM Industries, Ltd., and
its representatives shall not be liable for any injury, loss, cost or other
damage, including but not limited to, loss of use, inconvenience,
costs of removal of a permanent deck, custom fixture, or any other
incidental or consequential costs, expenses or damages. Under no
circumstances shall DM Industries, Ltd., or any of its representatives
be held liable for injury to any person or damage to any property
however arising. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation
of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or
exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific
legal rights. You may also have other rights, which vary, from state to
Contact your dealer or local authorized repair center for service.
If you do not know who your local dealer is, contact DM Industries,
Ltd.’s Technical Service Division at the address listed below, or call
(305) 685-2063.
This warranty is effective for spas manufactured after January 1, 2005.