■ TWAIN only—The TWAIN driver is installed without the
OneTouch 4.0 software or the ISIS driver. You can use the
Visioneer TWAIN driver to scan from TWAIN applications.
You will not be able to use the Scan button on the scanner.
■ ISIS only—The ISIS driver is installed. You can use applications
that use the ISIS driver, such as QuickScan. You will not be able
to use the Scan button on the scanner. You will not be able to use
the Visioneer TWAIN driver.
18. Click Next.
During installation you will see this window asking you to select an
image for your Color Space setting.
The Color Space setting sets the gamma value for the scanner so
scanned items look good on your monitor. Gamma controls the
brightness of the midtones of colors. That setting can be changed
later on as you’re scanning.
Note: If you decide to change the scanner’s installed drivers later on,
you must first uninstall the drivers the scanner is currently using. See
the instructions on page 120.