8. Click OK on the Configuration dialog box.
The new configuration and its adjusted settings now apply to the
button whose tab is selected at the top of the Configuration dialog
Scanned graphics, photos, and other images can sometimes produce
large files. The JPEG options for scanning reduce the file size by
compressing the image electronically. But compression also reduces
image quality. Therefore, compressing an image involves a trade-off
between image quality and file size. In many cases, loss of quality due to
compression is not readily apparent, but the amount of compression
you select—if any—depends on the quality you want.
The JPEG compression options only apply to:
■ Destination applications used for graphics, photos, and artwork
images. Word processing applications, fax applications, and other
text-based destination applications do not use JPEG compression.
■ Scan modes for color or grayscale scanning. JPEG compression does
not apply to the Black/White scan mode.
Note: If you select the Copy/Print or Fax button, the dialog box for
editing and adjusting the settings will have a Device tab for selecting
options for a printer or copier. See the Help for more information.
Note: You can add JPEG compression to the existing preset
configurations if the destination application is for graphics, photos, or
other artwork images.