The Preferences dialog box appears. The dialog box shows which
button you selected for new preferences.
If the Button tab on the Preferences dialog box is not selected, click
Show All Destinations—Clicking this option automatically selects
all the destination applications categories. When you click the
button’s tab on the Configuration dialog box, its list of destination
applications include all of the applications on your computer that
fall into these categories. For example, the destination applications
for the email button are usually email applications. By selecting the
Show All Destinations option as the preference for the email
button, all the other types of applications are included in the list of
email destination applications.
Select Destinations—Select this option to individually choose the
types of applications to include in the button’s list of destination
applications. Click in the boxes for the types of applications to
include in the button’s list.
Show Scan Progress Window—Select this option to see the
window that shows a rendition of the image during the scanning.
See the sample on page 14.
The name of the button to receive new preferences