5. For the first shortcut button you want to set, click the drop down
arrow under the Mode: column and select an option from the list.
In the example below, E-Mail has been chosen for shortcut button #1.
6. Click the “#1” button to display the following Shortcut #1 Settings
screen. (Note the default settings for the designated working mode will
be displayed)
Any information you specify, in the bottom portion of the screen, will
be the settings used anytime this shortcut button is used. The Name
and Memo fields is the data displayed in the shortcuts menu. You can
use the Memo field to describe what functions this shortcut performs.
7. Type a shortcut name in the Name field.
8. Type a description in the Memo field.
9. Select the TO, CC, and/or BCC tab to input e-mail address(es) for the
shortcut button. You can click the Address Book button to access and
select any e-mail addresses stored in the scanner’s address book.