
Target Heart Rate Zone
The most common method for calculating your target heart rate is to first find your maximum heart rate.
The standard formula for this is:
220—Your Age = Maximum heart rate.
You do not
want to workout at your maximum heart rate, you want to workout in your Target Heart Rate
Zone. Your Target Heart Rate Zone is a percentage of your maximum heart rate. The American Heart
Association recommends working out at a Target Heart Rate Zone of between 60% and 75% of your maxi-
mum heart rate. If you are just beginning an exercise program, exercise near or below the lower limit of
your Target Zone.
Lower Limit of Target Zone = Maximum heart rate X .6
Upper Limit of Target Zone = Maximum heart rate X .75
You may find the chart below helpful for a quick reference.
Age Target Zone 60%-75%
20 120-150
25 117-146
30 114-142
35 111-138
40 108-135
45 105-131
50 102-127
55 99-123
60 96-120
65 93-116
70 90-113
Perceived Exertion Level
The second and simpler way to gauge your exercise intensity is to evaluate your perceived exertion level.
If while exercising you are too winded to maintain a conversation without gasping, you are working out too
hard. A good rule of thumb is to work to the point of exhilaration, not exhaustion. If you cannot catch your
breath, it’s time to slow down. Always be aware of other warning signs to overexertion.
Developing a Fitness Program