
© 2006 directed electronics
1. Turn the ignition on.
2. Press the Valet button the pre-
programmed number of times to
disarm the VRS
pprrooggrraammmmiinngg ooppttiioonnss
See your dealer for further details on the options listed below
available with this system.
Automatic Engine Disable
: Prevents the vehicle from being started
even if the vehicle is not armed after turning the ignition Off and
exiting the vehicle.
Comfort Closure
: Windows will close upon locking the vehicle.
Dual Sensor Trigger
: If programmed both the onboard and at
least one of the optional sensors need to be triggered within 1-
second of each other for full alarm.
note: In dual sensor mode, if one sensor is triggered the LED
2-way remote will report showing the siren icon but the
alarm will not sound. If two sensors are triggered the LED
will report showing the siren icon and the alarm will sound.
note: If the VRS
system has begun its chirping sequence,
the ignition must be turned off, then on to disarm. If you
are driving the vehicle at the time, pull to a safe place
away from traffic and follow the triggered sequence dis-
arm procedure.