Any piece of equipment works better and lasts longer when maintained properly and kept clean. Grilling equipment is no
exception. Your TruSear
Infrared Burner must be kept clean and maintained properly.
TTrruuSSeeaarr IInnffrraarreedd GGrriillll BBuurrnneerr
When finished cooking, turn the control knob to the “HI” setting and allow the burner to burn for Five
Minutes. This helps to eliminate any drippings or debris that would otherwise remain on the burner, degrading the
performance and reducing burner life. After the five minute burn-off time, turn the grill OFF
and allow to cool
completely before attempting to clean or move. Wipe excess grease and food from grill surfaces.
NNOOTTEE:: WWhheenn tthhee TTrruuSSeeaarr iinnffrraarreedd ggrriilllleerr iiss nnoott uussee,, iitt mmuusstt bbee ccoovveerreedd wwiitthh tthhee pprroovviiddeedd ssttaaiinnllees
sss sstteeeell ccoovveerr ffoorr pprrootteeccttiioonn ffrroomm
oouuttssiiddee eelleemmeennttss ssuucchh aass rraaiinn..
•Do not use a metal knife or any other metal tool to scrape stainless steel parts.
•Do not permit citrus or tomato juice to remain on stainless steel surfaces, as citric acid will
permanently discolor stainless steel. Wipe up any spills immediately.
•Do not use abrasive cleaners, steel wool pads, or abrasive cloths on stainless steel, painted parts or
brass parts.
•Do not use brass cleaners on the brass option parts. They are coated with an epoxy coating.
Under rare conditions, such as an extremely salty
environment, small amounts of rust may accumulate on
stainless steel parts. These small amounts of surface
rust can easily be removed by applying Soft Scrub®
Gel to a damp sponge and wiping with the stainless
steel grain. It is important to make sure you wipe with
the grain for the most efficient removal of surface rust.
SSttaaiinnlleessss SStteeeell** PPaarrttss
Some stainless steel parts may have a plastic
protective wrap which must be peeled off. Do not expose
protective plastic film on the stainless steel to heat or direct
sunlight. It could melt onto the stainless steel parts and
become difficult to remove. The interior should be washed
thoroughly with hot, soapy water to remove film residues and
any dust or debris before being used, then rinsed and wiped
dry. Solutions stronger than soap and water are rarely
All stainless steel body parts should be wiped with
hot, soapy water and with a liquid cleaner designed for this
material. If buildup occurs, do not use steel wool, abrasive
cloths, cleansers, or powders! If it is necessary to scrape
stainless steel to remove encrusted materials, soak with hot,
wet cloths to loosen the material, then use a wool or nylon
scraper. Do not use a metal knife, spatula, or any other
material tool to scrape stainless steel! Scratches are almost
impossible to remove.
Only authorized replacement parts may be used in performing
service on the side burners. Do not repair or replace any part of
the outdoor grill unless specifically recommended in the manual.
All other servicing should be referred to a qualified technician.
DDrriipp TTrraayy
The drip tray pans should be removed and cleaned
after each use. Allow the drippings in the the drip tray
pans to cool completely before removing. To remove the
drip tray pans, simply remove the pans from the tray. Place
the trays in hot, soapy water to clean. Wipe up any debris
that may have collected in the drip tray with a hot, soapy
towel. Dry and replace drip tray pans before next use.