Before LightingYour Grill
Priorto turning the gason, inspectthe gas supply tubing or hose.
Lookfor evidence of abrasion,cuts, wear and tear,or other damage which
could require replacement prior to use. Make sureall burner control knobs
areoff. Do not attempt to light the burners ifthe smell of gas ispresent.
Checkthe connection with a soap and water solution after attaching
the hose. Make surethere is gasin the tank and the tank isupright.
_, CAUTION: Wait at least5 minutes before relighting a hot grill to
allow any accumulated gasto dissipate. Keep a spray bottle of soapy water
nearthe gassupply valve and check the connections for gas leaksbefore each
To properly installthe flavor generator plates:
Placethe stainlesssteel perforated flavor generator platesso that the front and
reartabs reston the grill frame. The flashtube must be accessiblethrough the
plates. Ifthe flash tube
isnot accessible,the
flavor generator plates
are not properly
Flash Tube
Using the Grill with Outdoor Approved Hoods
•Outdoor approved hood models should be installed in a covered non-
enclosed area. They should also be protected from naturalelements(suchas
rain)as muchas possible.
•Alwaysturn the outdoor hood on to the HI position before lighting the grill.
•Keep the grill canopy closed asmuch aspossiblewhen cooking so smoke is
exhaustedout the backof the grill. This allows for optimum performance of
the hood.
•During breezyconditions, the performance of the outdoor hood may be
Ughtingthe Grill (T-SeriesModels)
When lighting a burner,alwayspay close attention to what you are
doing. Becertain you are pressingthe battery ignition button (T-Seriesonly)
corresponding to the burner you are lighting.