It is assumed that your combination beverage center/ice maker has been properly installed in accordance with all
specifications and local codes and the appliance has been properly grounded. If your unit should fail to operate, review
the troubleshooting chart before calling for service.
If service is required:
1. Call your dealer or authorized service agency. The name of the authorized service agency can be obtained from the
dealer or distributor in your area.
2. Have the following information readily available:
•Model number
•Serial number
•Date of purchase
•Name of dealer from whom purchased
If you are unable to obtain the name of an authorized service agency, or if you continue to have service problems, contact
Viking at (888) 845-4641 or write to:
111111 FFrroonntt SSttrreeeett
GGrreeeennwwoooodd,, MMiissssiissssiippppii 3388993300 UUSSAA
Record the following information indicated below. You will need it if service is ever required. The serial number and
model number for your combination beverage center/ice maker is located on the front of the unit at the base of the
door frame.
Model Number Serial Number
Date of Purchase Date Installed
Dealer’s Name
IIff sseerrvviiccee rreeqquuiirreess iinnssttaallllaattiioonn ooff ppaarrttss,, uussee oonnllyy aauutthhoorriizzeedd ppaarrttss ttoo eennssuurree pprrootteeccttiioonn uunnddeerr tthhee wwaarrrraannttyy..
TThhiiss mmaannuuaall sshhoouulldd rreemmaaiinn wwiitthh tthhee ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn bbeevveerraaggee cceenntteerr//iiccee mmaakkeerr ffoorr ffuuttuurree rreef