141ViewSonic Pro9500
2.1 Using the “LiveViewer”
When you get the connection between your projector and computer, the
“LiveViewer” main menu will be shown on the computer screen.
On the main menu you can congure settings and operate functions to send your
images to the projector.
1) Menu Type
There are 2 type of the main menu, Easy type and Advanced type, which can
be switched on screen.
2.1.1 Main menu and Operating buttons
• When the network connection is not established, the Advanced type will be on
Switch to Advanced type
Easy Type
Advanced Type
Switch to
Easy type
Status Display
2) Operating buttons
Starting Capture button
The transmission to the projector is started and the images will be displayed.
The Display mode will be the Single PC mode at rst.
Stop button
The image transmission is stopped.
• The images may not be displayed on screen, if the Start/Stop buttons
are clicked repeatedly.
• The primary image is displayed in multi-display environment.
2. Network Presentation
2. Network Presentation