Serial Communications
58 Vidikron Vision 30 Series Owner’s Operating Manual
x022x Keypad 2
x023x Keypad 3
x024x Keypad 4
x025x Keypad 5
x026x Keypad 6
x027x Keypad 7
x028x Keypad 8
x029x Keypad 9
x030x Keypad 0
x031x Store image settings to Custom 1
x032x Store image settings to ISF Night
x033x Store image settings to ISF Day
x046x Restore image settings from Custom 1
x047x Restore image settings from ISF Night
x048x Restore image settings from ISF Day
x049x Load default of current source
x051x Single source, full-screen
x052x PIP - graphics on video
x053x PIP - video on graphics
x054x PBP - graphics by video
x055x PBP - video by graphics
x056x PIP - increase sub-window size
x057x PIP - decrease sub-window size
x058x Set PIP/PBP active window
x061x Anamorphic (16:9) aspect ratio
x062x Standard (4:3) aspect ratio
x063x Letterbox aspect ratio
x064x IntelliWide aspect ratio
x065x Cinema aspect ratio
x066x Cinema Fill aspect ratio
x071x RS-232 baud rate = 9600
x072x RS-232 baud rate = 38400
Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued)
Code Function