- 12 -
Calculation on memory II by press Memory II key follow by plus,
minus, subtotal or total key.
28b. [N] Item Count Key
Model 1560-6 & 1530-6
Calculations with item count and/or averaging. Also used to set the N
count to Gross or Net.
29. [# / S] Date / Subtotal Key
# :
It will print live entry as an identifier as an invoice number with “#”
S : It prints but does not clear the accumulator.
30. [T] Total Key
Prints and clears the accumulator. When this key is pressed with the
“GT” switch is on, the result is accumulated automatically in the
memory register.
31. [MT / Amount/Start Date] Memory Total Key / Amount Start Date (Dual
Prints and clears the memory.
Amount: When you are in Financial Mode and this key is used to enter the
principal amount of the loan.
However, if Interest, Month, and Payment have previously been
entered this key will produce the principal amount.
Start Date: Used to enter start date. Entry must follow format (MM-DD-YYY)
32. [M- / Interest/End Date] Memory Minus Key / Interest /End Date (Dual
M-: Subtracts an amount from memory. If there is a live calculation
pending, the Memory Minus key will complete the calculation and
subtract the amount from Memory.
Interest: This key will enter the 10-key input value as Loan Interest. Loan
Interest must be entered in order to do any financial calculation.
Therefore, this key will only be able to use for recall Loan Interest, or
enter the 10-key value.
End Date: Used to enter end date. Entry must follow (MM-DD-YYYY)
33. [M+ / Months/ # of Days] Memory Plus Key / Months/# of days (Dual
M+: Adds an amount to memory. If there is a live calculation pending, the
Memory plus key will complete the calculation and accumulate the
result to Memory.