Enter: When the calculator is in the Kpad mode, the T/Enter key acts as an Enter
key on a computer keyboard.
Memory + Key: Adds an amount to Memory. If there is a live calculation
pending, the Memory Plus key will complete the calculation and accumulate the
→ Key: Acts as an arrow key on a computer keyboard to move the cursor to the
right while the calculator is in the Kpad mode.
Memory – Key: Subtracts an amount from Memory. If there is a live calculation
pending, the Memory Minus key will complete the calculation and subtract the
amount from Memory.
← Key: Acts as an arrow key on a computer keyboard to move the cursor to the
left while the calculator is in the Kpad mode.
Memory Subtotal Key: Displays a subtotal of the memory contents. If the
calculator is in the Print mode, this subtotal will also print. Memory Subtotal
does not clear the contents of Memory.
↓ Key: Acts as an arrow key on a computer keyboard to move the cursor down
while the calculator is in the Kpad mode.
Memory Total Key: Prints and clears the total in Memory.
↑ Key: Acts as an arrow key on a computer keyboard to move the cursor up while
the calculator is in the Kpad mode.
Cost Sell Margin Keys
Cost, Sell, Margin keys are used for calculating cost, selling price, and profit
margin. Enter the value of any two variables to calculate the third. (Example:
Enter the cost of an item and press the Cost key. Next enter the selling price of an
item and press the Sell key. The Margin % will appear on the display and the
paper tape.)