Close Batch
Follow this procedure to close a batch of transactions with the host. This will
clear the batch from the terminal’s memory and enable it to store future trans-
Display Response
1. READY **nnn**
Press the [9] key labeled CLOSE.
2. ENTER PASSWORD Enter the manager password if required,
then press [ENTER]. The display echoes
each keypress with an asterisk.
NO TRANSACTIONS There is no batch.
3. ENTER AMOUNT This prompt only appears if the auto-insert
totals option is set to OFF. Enter the termi-
nal total amount without the decimal, then
press [ENTER].
PRINTING... If the Auto Report option is ON, the printer
prints the Detail and Terminal Totals reports.
4. REPORTING? Y/N Enter [9] for "Y" print the transactions in the
batch, or [6] for "N" to continue with the
5. CLOSING > > > >
CLOSING > > > >
The terminal is formally closing the batch
with the host computer. The display alter-
nates messages indicating it is transmitting
and receiving.
6. <host response> Press [CLEAR] to return to the idle prompt.
7. READY **nnn** The terminal returns to the idle prompt indi-
cating it is ready to proceed with the next
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
6 - 12 TRANZ 460 Terminal