. The recalculated route may not be the
shortest route because the system priori-
tizes easy-to-drive roads for safety reasons.
. If you set the route conditions from [Route
Priority], all sections in the route are subject
to the same route conditions even though
you have set different route conditions for
different sections in [Edit Route].
. If [Use Time Restricted Roads] is deacti-
vated, the system calculates a route without
any consideration of the regulations con-
cerning the time or day of the week. There-
fore, the suggested route may include a road
subject to traffic regulations concerning the
time or day of the week. When driving along
the route, always follow all regulations.
. If the system cannot calculate any alternative
routes, it displays the previous route.
. If the vehicle overly deviates from the
suggested route, the system calculates a
new route.
5-14 Route guidance