
Using Number Tags
To navigate directly
Key Sequence Example
A system or search
1. Tap HOLD.
2. Enter the SNT + .
3. Tap MENU.
If the SNT is 4, enter
HOLD / 4 / / MENU.
A channel in the
current system
1. Tap HOLD.
2. Enter the CHNT.
3. Tap MENU.
If the CHNT is 27, enter
HOLD / 27 / MENU.
A channel in a
different system
1. Tap HOLD.
2. Enter the SNT
followed by the
decimal point.
3. Enter the CHNT.
4. Tap MENU.
If the SNT is 4 and the
CHNT is 27, enter HOLD
/ 4 / / 27 / MENU.
If two systems have the same SNT, they will be selected in sequence (i.e. the
first time you select the SNT, the scanner will go to the first system assigned
with that SNT; if you select the same SNT again, it will go to the 2nd system
assigned with that SNT, and so on).
If two channels in the same system have the same CHNT, they will be
selected in sequence (i.e. the first time you select the CHNT, the scanner
will go to the first channel in that system assigned with that CHNT; if you
select the same CHNT again, it will go to the 2nd channel assigned with that
CHNT, and so on).