
Page 66
I Have a Question
Why is it that...?
The Poi iconS diSAPPeAR fRom The mAP?
The device does not display POI icons when the map scale
greater than 1000 feet. If you can’t see the POI icons on the
map, try zooming in to 1000 feet or closer. If you still can’t
see the POI icons you want, go the Map Settings screen
and make sure those icons are set to display on the map
(see page 51).
If Auto Zoom is turned on, the map might zoom out
past 1000 feet and hide the POI icons automatically.
The ScReen iS BluRRy And hARd To ReAd
Dirt and oils from your ngers can stay on the touchscreen.
Periodically clean the touch screen with a lint free cloth
dampened with water only. If the screen remains dirty,
try a mild soap solution or a cleaning spray designed for
Do not use ammonia on the screen, and never
immerse the device in water.
i cAnT find A locATion on The mAP
Newer addresses may not have existed when the map
software was created. Check www.uniden.com for the
latest maps.
Some BuTTonS ARe GRAyed ouT
If a button’s function is not available for some reason the
button will be grayed out. You’ll see this on the Destination
screen (where the favorites button is grayed out if you
haven’t saved any favorites) and the input screens (where
letters that don’t match a record in the map database will be
grayed out so you don’t misspell anything).