The typical way of using TRAX325 is to select a destination, and start
navigating. You can select your destination in the following ways (not all of
them are available in Simple mode):
• Usetheselectedlocationonthemap(theCursor)(page35).
• Enterafulladdressorapartofanaddress,forexampleastreet
name without a house number or the names of two intersecting
streets (page 46).
• Enteranaddresswithpostalcode(page55).Thiswayyoudo
not need to select the name of the settlement and the search for
street names might be faster as well.
• Useacoordinate(page60)
• Useasavedlocation:
• aFavourite(page57)
• aPOI(page57)
• theHistoryofpreviouslysetdestinationsandwaypoints(page59)
Simple and Advanced modes
The two operating modes of TRAX325 mainly differ in the menu structure
and the number of available features. The controls and screen layouts are
the same.
• Simplemode:youhaveeasyaccesstothemostimportant
navigation functions and the basic settings only. The rest of the
settings are set to values that are optimal for typical use.
• Advancedmode:youhaveaccesstothefullfunctionalityof
To switch from Simple mode to Advanced mode: on the startup screen
(Navigation Menu), tap
, .
To switch from Advanced mode to Simple mode: on the startup screen
(Navigation Menu), tap
, .
The features and settings available in each mode are as follows: