
Remember! You can also use or instead of rotating the VFO.
Also instead of pressing E, you can press the VFO control (except for ALPHA TAG
STEP 2 is complete.
STEP 3: Programming ID Scan Lists Manually
Scan Lists
Each bank of your BC785D can be a trunk tracking bank and it can be a conventional
scanning bank. When you designate a bank as a trunking bank, your scanner sets up 10
Scan Lists, which are simply lists used to store your favorite Talk Group IDs. Each list can
contain up to 10 IDs, so you can store a total of 100 IDs for each trunk tracking bank. (1000
if you use all the banks as trunking banks!)
Scan Lists help you organize the trunking system users into categories. For example, you
might use List#1 for police IDs, List#2 for fire department IDs, List#3 for emergency medical
service IDs, etc. Once IDs are stored in lists, you can scan them like you scan conventional
frequencies and you can lockout any one (up to 9) of the 10 scan lists by pressing the
corresponding numeric key. When an ID is active, the scan list number will appear on the
display. You can program your Scan Lists either manually or during Trunking Search mode.
Check the web site www.bearcat1.com/free.htm for a complete list of talkgroups for your
area that you can program into your Scan Lists.
In order to program Talk Group IDs, you must first complete Step1–“Selecting or Changing
Trunking System Type, page 46 and Step 2 Programming Trunked Frequencies, page
1. Press MENU.
2. Select 2:SCAN OPTION / 2:TRUNK by rotating the VFO and pressing E.
3. Select the bank number by rotating the VFO and pressing E.
4. Select 3:TALK GROUP by rotating the VFO and pressing E.
5. Select the ID location by rotating the VFO or using the keypad and then press E. You
decide which location you want to place the Talk Group ID.
(The first number represents the Scan List number and the
second number represents the Memory Location number.)
(Direct entry method example: enter "1-5" by pressing 1,
(decimal key), 5.)
6. Select 1:ID by rotating the VFO and pressing E.
7. Enter the ID number.
Note: After you have programmed the ID in a selected location, while still in the Menu
mode, you can set your Alpha Tag (see page 28), or turn ON the Beep Alert for an
individual talkgroup (see page 22).
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