Certified in accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations
Part 15, Subpart C, as of date of manufacture.
Channel: 300
Banks 10 (30 channels each)
Service Bands: 5-preprogrammed search bands (including the
NOAA Weather Service band)
Frequency 29.0-29.7 Mhz 10 Meter Amateur Band
Range: 29.7-50.0 Mhz VHF Low Band
50.0-54.0 MHz 6 Meter Amateur Band
137-144 Mhz Military Land Mobile
144-148 MHz 2 Meter Amateur Band
148-174 MHz VHF High Band
Above bands in 5 kHz steps
108-137 MHz Aircraft Band
406-420 MHz Federal Government
420-450 MHz 70 cm Amateur Band
450-470 MHz UHF Standard Band
470-512 MHz UHF “T” Band
806-956 MHz “800” Band
Above bands in 12.5 kHz steps
Temperature: -20°C to +60°C
Scan Rate: 100 channels per second (conventional mode)
Search Rate: 100 steps per second (Normal Search)
300 steps per second (Turbo Search)
Scan Delay 2 seconds
Audio Output 210 mW nominal into 8Ω internal speaker
39 mW nominal into 32Ω stereo headphone
8 mW nominal into 64Ω earphone
Power 4.8 VDC 800mAh (internal battery or
Requirements: AD70U AC Adapter
Antenna: Rubber Antenna (included)
External Jacks: External earphone, DC 12V power jack
Size: 2½ in. (W) x 1¾ in. (D) x 6 in. (H)
Weight: 11 oz.
Features, specifications, and availability of optional
accessories are all subject to change without notice.
Tue Jun 15 11:05:28 1999
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen