The last three phone numbers dialed can be quickly redialed.
Redialing from Standby Mode
1) Press redial/pause in standby mode.
2) Press redial/pause again. Each press of
redial/pause will display one of the last three
number redialed.
3) Press or speaker. The selected
number is dialed.
4) To hang up, press .
Redialing from Talk Mode
1) Press or speaker.
2) Press redial/pause. The last number dialed will
be displayed and redialed. To hang up, press .
Deleting a Redial Record
1) Press redial/pause in standby mode.
2) Press redial/pause repeatedly to display the
number to be deleted.
3) Press /del.
3) Press /vol/ or /vol/ to choose Yes.
4) Press . The redialed number is deleted.
Storing a Redial Record
1) Press redial/pause in standby mode.
2) Press redial/pause repeatedly to display the number to be stored.
3) Press . Store/Edit Name appears.
4) To complete the setting, follow the steps 3-8 in “Storing Phone Numbers, Names,
Distinctive Rings, and Speed dial” on page 28-29.
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• If the number
exceeds 32 digits,
only the first 32
digits are retained in
redial memory.
• If the redial memory
is empty, you will
hear a beep.