options for the best results. The image type selections include: Color photos, Text/lineart, Web
Images, and Printed Matter settings.
Once you click on the desired image type, the scanner starts scanning the image using the appropriate
For Macintosh Users:
After the scan is complete, a print window appears. Verify that the destination settings are correct and
then click the Print button.
6. When the scan is complete, the image is printed on your printer.
Using VistaScan to Scan a Photo to E-mail
Scanning an image to email is similar to the procedure described in the Using VistaScan to Scan and Print
Images section earlier in this guide. Follow steps 1 through 3 as listed in the Scan and Print instructions,
then proceed with the following steps:
1. Click on the E-mail icon to set the scanner settings to the best values for scanning the image to e-mail.
NOTE: You may need to adjust the destination preferences in the VistaScan Beginner window. For
information about setting preferences, refer to Setting the VistaScan Preferences section.
2. Click on the Web Image icon in the Click to Scan area of the VistaScan Beginner window. The
scanner starts scanning the image using the appropriate settings for web images.
3. After the image is scanned, a Microsoft Exchange or Lotus cc:Mail e-mail window appears with an
icon representing the scanned image embedded in the message area of the window.
NOTE: For more information about using Microsoft Exchange or Lotus cc:Mail refer to the user
documentation that came with the application.
4. Fill out the rest of the standard e-mail information (address, subject, etc.) as you ordinarily would.
Send the e-mail.
Using VistaScan with PhotoDeluxe to Create Web-ready Images
You can add flair to your Web pages by importing scanned photos.
The version of PhotoDeluxe is different for PC and Macintosh users. Follow the appropriate set of
instructions based on the type of system you are using.
For PC Users:
1. Open the PhotoDeluxe application. For detailed instructions on how to start PhotoDeluxe, refer to
steps 1-5 from Chapter 2. Your First Scan.
2. The PhotoDeluxe screen appears. Click on the Get & Fix Photo tab in the upper-left corner, and then
select the Get Photo button.