Gymnasiums are notoriously bad acoustic environments. Extremely high reverberation times can
be expected because of the large room volume plus the hard walls, wood floors, and plaster or
metal ceilings. Gymnasiums typically require surface treatments and sound absorbers and
specialized speaker clusters and/or speakers with high Q values. In addition, the background noise
is highly dependent on the use of the gym; if there is an audience the noise level can get very high.
Consider this gymnasium example with the following specifications:
• Dimensions = 80’ L x 160’ W x 20’ H
• Flooring = Wood
• Ceiling = Gypsum
• Walls = Gypsum
• Ambient Noise = 50 dB
This information is entered into the iTool:
Figure 6-9. iTool Gymnasium Example
The following basic results are attained from the iTool:
• The iTool reverberation time calculator estimates a very high T60 time of 5.2 seconds.
Note: Additional detailed modeling is most likely necessary due to the high T60 time.
• Using the iTool with an Edge-to-Edge pattern, the resulting total number of speakers is
8 tapped at 0.25 W, for a total of 2 W of audio power required.
Continued on next page
Applying the Methods, Continued
Example 3: