24 Port Stackable Managed Switch – User Guide Page 44
To ensure that the stack has been properly configured click on the ‘IP Stacking’ in the side
menu and a window similar to below will appear:
Figure 40. IP Stacking Screen
If the Stacking Configuration has been successful, then the IP Stacking screen will show a list
of MAC addresses and System names, which are Hyperlinks. It is now possible to manage
any member Switch in the stacking group by clicking on the Switch Hyperlink. The Switch
that is currently being managed is indicated by >> and <<. Having selected a Switch to
manage, any actions performed using this web interface will affect the selected Switch only.
NOTE: If a Stack of Switches needs to be disbanded using Web Based Management, then
Disable Stacking mode on the Slaves first, and lastly Disable Stacking mode on the Master
Backup Master
The Stack will remain manageable if the Master Switch fails or looses network connectivity. If
this should happen then the BackupMaster will go active and maintain the manageability of
the Stack. The BackupMaster is elected by the lowest MAC address in the Stack and no user
configuration is needed. The IP Stacking screen (Figure 40.) is used to determine the current
Master and BackupMaster Switch.
NOTE: The IP address used to manage the Stack, after the Master Switch fails, remains
Product Number 0-1591099-x © Tyco Electronics 2005 Issue 1