
another. Some televisions have to be manually switched from the “Variable” audio setting to the “Fixed”
audio setting by using your TV menu. Not all TVs have the ability to switch from a variable to a xed audio
out (consult your television manual or manufacturer). When the TV is set to a “Variable” audio out setting,
the volume of the TV Ears headset will be the same volume as the TV.
4. WhydoIhearatelevisionstationwhenI’mwatchingaDVD/video?
When the audio cord is plugged into the analog (RCA) audio out port of a cable or satellite box AND
an analog (RCA) audio out port of a DVD player or VCR, you must turn o whichever device is not in
use. Turn o the cable/satellite box when watching a DVD or video. Turn o the DVD/VCR player when
watching TV.
5. HowdoIchargetheheadset?
Turn the headset o and gently place into the charging cradle of the transmitter. Be sure the charging
light on the front of the transmitter illuminates. See Step 3 of Installation.
6. HowdoIknowtheheadsetischarging?
The charging light will be green when the headset is placed in the front charging cradle of the
transmitter and red if the headset is placed in the rear-charging cradle of the transmitter. If there are two
headsets charging at the same time, the light will appear amber.
7. Willthelightschangecolorsoncetheheadsetisfullycharged?
No, the charging light will remain a constant color as long as a headset is placed in the charging cradle.
We recommend keeping the headset in the charging cradle when not in use, for safekeeping.
8. Whyisthecharginglighto?
A headset must be in the charging cradle of the transmitter in order for the charging light to illuminate.
Once the headset is removed from the transmitter, the charging light will no longer be illuminated. If
the charging light does not illuminate when the headset is in either charging cradle, pick up the headset
and replace it in the charging cradle (it should rock into place). Ensure the transmitter is receiving power.
Check that the charging posts in the cradle are positioned straight up.
9. CanIoverchargetheheadset/battery?
No, the battery will not over charge if left in the charging cradle of the transmitter. We recommend
storing the headset in the charging cradle of the transmitter for safekeeping and to ensure that the
headset is always charged and ready for use.
The rechargeable battery is designed to last between 1-2 years depending on usage.
TV Ears Replacement batteries and TV Ears Tips are sold through TV Ears representatives.
• Online:www.tvears.com
• CallCustomerService:
• USCorporateOceTollFree:1-888-883-3277
Monday – Friday 7AM – 4PM PST
• VisitalocalAuthorizedTVEarsDealer:
To nd a TV Ears dealer near you, go to the TV Ears website at www.tvears.com. Please call the
dealer to conrm the desired item is in stock.
Yes, the Original Plus TV Ears systems operate at 95kHz, which is compatible with many movies and play
houses. TV Ears does not guarantee that its products will work in all public places. Check with individual
places to verify system compatibility.
13.WhyismyOriginal Plussystemhookedupbutstillnotworking?
Make sure that all the cords are plugged in completely. Check that the red plug of the power stacker cord
is plugged into the transmitter and the black plug is plugged into the power stacker.
95kHz is the frequency of the infrared signal that is sent by the transmitter to the headset. Infrared
signals are invisible light signals and are not disturbed by electrical storms.
For additional technical questions, consult our troubleshooting guide on the next page.
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