UnderCalifornia law, and underthe laws of severalother states,you are not permittedto operatean
internal combustion engine using hydrocarbon fuels on anyforest, brush, hay, grain, or grass
covered land;or land covered byany flammableagricultural crop without an engine spark arrester in
continuous effectiveworking order.
Theengineon the unit is an internal combustion engine which burns gasoline,a hydrocarbon fuel, and must be equippedwith a
spark arrester muffler in continuous effectiveworking order. Thespark arrester must beattachedto the engine exhaustsystem in
such a manner that flames or heatfrom the systemwill not ignite flammable material. Failureof the owner/operator of the unitto
comply with this regulationis a misdemeanor underCalifornia law (and other states) and may also beaviolation of otherstate
and/or federalregulations, laws, ordinances or codes. Contactyour localfire marshal or forest servicefor specific information
aboutwhich regulations apply in your area.
1. Carefullyreadthis
Owner's Manual,the
Manual, andany other literature you may
receive.Bethoroughly familiar with the
controls and the proper useof the tiller
and its engine. Know howto stop the unit
and disengagethe controls quickly.
2. Neverallow children to operatethe
tiller. Neverallow adults to operatethe
tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe area of operation clearof all
persons, particularly children and pets.
4. Keepin mindthat the operator or user
is responsible for accidents or hazards
occurring to other people,their property,
and themselves.
1. Thoroughly inspect theareawhere the
tiller is to be usedand removeall foreign
2. Besure all tiller controls are released
and both wheels are in the WheelDrive
position beforestarting the engine.
3. Do not operatethe tiller without
wearingadequateoutergarments. Avoid
loosegarments or jewelry that could get
caught in moving parts.
4. Do not operatethe tiller when barefoot
or wearing sandals,sneakers,or light
footwear. Wear protectivefootwear that
will improve footing on slippery surfaces.
5. Donot till near underground electric
cables,telephonelines, pipesor hoses. If
in doubt, contact your telephoneor utility
6. Warning: Handlefuel with care; it is
highly flammableand its vapors are
explosive. Besureto takethe following
a. Storefuel in containers specifically
designedfor this purpose.
b. Thegascap shall neverbe removed
or fuel addedwhile the engine is
running. Allow theengine to cool
for several minutes beforeadding
pipes, openflames, and sparks
away from the fuel tank and fuel
d. Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme
care. Neverfill fuel tank indoors.
Usea funnel or spout to prevent
e. Replaceall fuel tank and container
caps securely.
f. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to
start the engine,but move the
machineaway from the areaof
spillage and avoidcreating any
source of ignition until fuel vapors
7. Nevermakeadjustments whenengine
is running (unless recommendedby
1. Do not put handsor feet nearor under
rotating parts. Thetines begin to rotate
oncethe engine starts and the Forward
Clutch Bail (or ReverseClutch Control) is
2. Exerciseextremecaution whenon or
crossing gravel drives,walks, or roads.
Stay alertfor hidden hazardsor traffic. Do
not carry passengers.
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine, removethe wire from the spark
plug and prevent it from touching the
spark plug, thoroughly inspectthe
machine for any damage,and repair the
damagebefore restartingand operating
the machine.
4. Exercisecaution to avoid slipping or
5. If the unit should start to vibrate abnor-
mally, stop theengine, disconnectthe
spark plug wire and prevent it from
touching the spark plug, and check
immediately for the cause.Vibration is
generallya warning oftrouble.
6. Stop the engine,disconnect the spark
plug wire and prevent it from touching
the spark plug wheneveryou leavethe
operating position, beforeunclogging the
tines, or when making any repairs,adjust-
ments or inspections.