Periedically inspectthe blade adapter and pulley for
cracks, especially if you strike a foreign object. Replace
when necessary.
_%== WARNING: When remeving the cutting
_ blade for sharpening or replacement, protect
w hands by using heavy gleves or a thick rag te
grasp the cutting blade.
• Disconnect spark plug wire frem spark plug.
• Turn mower en its side making sure that the air fi]ter
and the carburetor are up.
To RemeveBlade
• Remove the bolt and the beT]washer that hold the
blade_pulley assembly to the engine crankshaft.
See Figure "13. Remeve the assembly from the
• Remove the two belts and leck nuts from the blade
• Remove the blade from blade adapter and pulley.
To ReplaceBlade:
• Before reinstal]ing the blade_pul]ey assembly te the
unit, lubricate the engine crankshaft and the inner
surface ef the blade adapter with light oil
• Also lubricate the bolt heles, bolt and the inner
surface ef the nuts.
• Install the blade adapter en the pulley with the "star"
away frem the pulley. See Figure 13.
Lock Nut Pulley
Blade .=_ Lock Nut
Adapter _ _ Blade
Flex Bolt _
Figure 13
• Place the new blade on the blade adapter with the
side marked bottom (has a part number) facing
away frem the adapter.
• Secu re the blade te the assembly with two hex
bolts and leck nuts.Tighten the hex bolts to the
recommended torque. Refer to 'Blade Mounting
Torque' information below.
• Install the blade assembly on the engine
crankshaft. Secure with the hex bolt and bell
washer (cupped side of washer to blade) and
tighten to the recommended torque. Refer to 'Blade
Mounting Torque' information below.
IMPORTANT: The belt used te secure the blade te the
engine is specially heat-treated Do not substitute. To
order replacement belt, refer te the parts list in the back
of this manual.
_ WARNING: To ensure safe operation of
ayour unit, all nuts and belts must be checked
........... periodically for correct tightness.
Blade adapter belts: 120 in.lbs, minimum, "150in.lbs.
Center belt: 450 tn.lbs,minimum, 600 tn.lbs, maximum.
Ta SharpenBlade:
• The blade can be sharpened with a file or on a
grinding wheel. De net attempt te sharpen the
blade while it is still on the mower.
• Follow the eriginal angle of grind as a guide. Make
sure that each cutting edge receives an equal
ameunt ef grinding to prevent an unbalanced blade.
An unbalanced blade will cause excessive vibration
when rotating at high speeds, may cause damage te
the mower and/er personal iniury. Test the blade by
balancing iten a round shaft screwdriver or a blade
• If the blade is not balanced, remove metal from the
heavy side until it balances evenly.
• Remove two shoulder screws securing the front
drive cever to the mower deck. See Figure "14.
• Press inward en the sides ef the front drive cover
and release the tabs that secure the front drive
cover to the height adiuster brackets. Remove drive
cever from the mewer.
• Using a torx wrench, leesen the screw helding the
belt tension spring to the transmission. See Figure
"14. De not remeve the screw cempletely. As yeu
loosen the screw, the tension on the belt will be
• Push the transmissien up a little and slide the belt
off the transmission pulley.
• Lift the mower to access the belt from the underside
of the mower.