Cleaning the Green Water Tubes: Rinse the tube
clean with hot tap water aer every harvest.
en clean them once every month using a felt
tip pipe cleaner. is works like a plunger to
clear the residue build up of lm and gel that
naturally accumulates from the seed jackets.
Cleaning the Sprinkler Head: Flush the spinning
sprinkler head with hot tap water aer each
harvest. Tap it on all sides. Rinse and tap
repeatedly to ush out debris. Use the tooth-
brush to help. Film residue from the seeds
builds up and clogs the holes. is slows down the speed of the spin. Regular
cleaning is required.
How to Open the Sprinkler Head: If your sprinkler
is badly clogged, it can be thoroughly cleaned by
opening it. is job is best done by someone who
is good at working with their hands. Each of the
4 arms has 2 tabs. Use a at object like a butter
knife to slide o all the tabs and place them safely
in a cup. Separate the top and bottom halves of
the sprinkler head and clean them with a tooth-
brush. en reassemble the head and its tabs.
Adjusting the Sprinkler Head Water Flow Tabs:
ere are 3 water outlets on each arm of the spin-
ner and a fourth opening at the end point. To increase the spinning speed, move
the tabs to close 1 or 2 outlets closest to the center post.
To slow the sprinkler head, move the tabs to close 1 or 2
openings closest to the outer end of each arm.
Adding an Extra Growing Level
Double your growing capacity by adding an extra grow-
ing barrel set. Sproutman recommends you achieve 3
successful crops before adding another growing level.
Build your skill rst, then use the following rotation
procedure. Start the rst growing barrel on a Monday
and grow it alone for 4 days. Start the second growing
barrel on ursday and put it in the bottom position.
Move the Monday barrel to the top position. e align-
ment of the water ow tubes must be perfect in order to
achieve full water pressure. e opening on the water
pressure tube must be closed. e spinner tabs may
need to be adjusted for better water ow.
Never run out of greens!
Establish a crop rotation
schedule with 2 growing
levels. The bottom level is
the water reservoir.
The sprinkler head separates for periodic
maintenance. Film and gel from the seed
jackets can clog the tiny water outlets.
The moveable tabs can increase or
decrease the flow of water and the
rate of spin