© 2009 Trane All rights reserved Chiller System Design and Control SYS-APM001-EN
Trane, in proposing these system design and application concepts, assumes no
responsibility for the performance or desirability of any resulting system design. Design of
the HVAC system is the prerogative and responsibility of the engineering professional.
“Trane” and the Trane logo are registered trademarks, and TRACE, System Analyzer and
TAP are trademarks of Trane, a business of Ingersoll-Rand.
This manual examines chilled-water-system components, configurations,
options, and control strategies. The goal is to provide system designers with
options they can use to satisfy the building owners’ desires, but this manual
is not intended to be a complete chiller-system design manual.
System designers may get the most use from this manual by familiarizing
themselves with chilled-water-system basics and understanding the benefits
of various options. Thereafter, when a specific job will benefit from these
advantages, consult appropriate sections of the manual in detail.
The Engineers Newsletters that are referenced in this manual are available at: