Commonly Used Acronyms
For convenience, a number of
acronyms are used throughout this
manual. These acronyms are listed
alphabetically below, along with the
“translation” of each:
AFD = Adaptive Frequency Drive
ASME = American Society of
Mechanical Engineers
ASHRAE = American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers
BAS = Building Automation System
CABS = Auxiliary Condenser Tube-
Bundle S
CDBS = Condenser Bundle Size
CDSZ = Condenser Shell Size
CH530 = Tracer CH530 Controller
DV = DynaView
Clear Language
Display, also know as the Main
Processor (MP)
CWR = Chilled Water Reset
CWR’ = Chilled Water Reset Prime
DTFL = Design Delta-T at Full Load
(i.e., the difference between entering
and leaving chilled water
ELWT = Evaporator Leaving Water
ENT = Entering Chilled Water
FC = Free Cooling
GPM = Gallons-per-minute
HGBP = Hot Gas Bypass
HVAC = Heating, Ventilating, and Air
IE = Internally-Enhanced Tubes
IPC = Interprocessor Communication
LBU = La Crosse Business Unit
LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
LED = Light Emitting Diode
MAR = Machine Shutdown Auto
Restart (Non-Latching where chiller
will restart when condition corrects
MMR = Machine Shutdown Manual
Restart (Latching where chiller must
be manually reset.)
MP = Main Processor
PFCC = Power Factor Correction
PSID = Pounds-per-Square-Inch
(differential pressure)
PSIG = Pounds-per-Square-Inch
(gauge pressure)
UCP = Unit Control Panel
LLID = Low Level Intelligent Device
(Sensor, Pressure Transducer, or
Input/output UCP module)
RLA = Rated Load Amps
RTD = Resistive Temperature Device
Tracer CH530= Controls Platform
utilized on this Chiller
TOD = Temperature Outdoor
Control Optional Packages
OPST Operating Status Control
GBAS Generic Building Automation
EXOP Extended Operation
CDRP Condenser Pressure
TRMM Tracer Communications
FRCL Free Cooling
HGBP Hot Gas Bypass
WPSR Water pressure sensing
EPRO Enhanced Protection
ACOS Auxillary Condenser sensors
CWR Chiller Water reset outdoor