Test Program for Field.
62 Qosmio X500
Maintenance Manual (960-Q08)
b. Wireless LAN ID ( 001E4CXXXXXX )
c. AC Adapter Select [1]65W [2]75W [3]90W [4]120W
Select 1 ~ c to keyin new data , select 0 to exit program , program will compare input data
length with the max length , if over will retry keyin
Note : Please Check New DMI Information After System Restart !! V3.2
1. **** Manufacture Name ( TOSHIBA ) - (32)
2. **** Product Name ( Satellite XXXXXX ) - (32)
3. **** Part Number ( PSP50X-XXXXXX ) - (26)
4. **** Serial Number ( 12345678W ) - (32)
5. **** OEM String ( PSP50X-XXXXX,SXXXXXXXXXX ) - (64)
6. **** Model Select [1]Dyn-Jpn [2]Tos-Jpn [3]Tos-Eng [4]Tos-FR – (2)
7. **** Write UUID ( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ) – (16)
8. **** Brightness Write ( XXXXXXXX ) – (8)
a. **** SLP2.0 Build Sig [1]Non OS [2]OS-(2)
b. **** Wireless LAN ID ( 001E4CXXXXXX ) –(12)
c. **** AC Adapter Select [1]65W [2]75W [3]90W [4]120W –(1)
0. **** Exit
Please Select (1 ~ c) To Modify DMI String :
Current Data of EEPROM : Toshiba
1. Enter the Manufacture Name : TOSHIBA
Your Keyin is : TOSHIBA …… This is your keyin data
EEPROM return : TOSHIBA ……. This is read from eeprom back
Press any key to continue
Note : Please Check New DMI Information After System Restart !!
If Keyin length too long will retry :
Current Data of EEPROM : 12345678WU
4. Enter the Serial Number : 12345678901234
Your Keyin String Length Not Correct 14 > 10 !!!
Current Data of EEPROM : 12345678WU
4. Enter the Serial Number :
NOTE: The SLP2.0 is Microsoft SPEC , call “System Locked Pre-Installation”or”SLP”,
It is for OEM pre install Windows and no need to Active , If you select Non OS , then you
need to Active your OS before you use .