9-2 Configuration Mml
This section describes how the DISTRiBUTION LIST Table is used for Distribution Lists and
Extended Mailboxes
DlstributJon Llsts When a message is addressed to a Distribution List number, the lb&.&a
VP System checks the DISTRIBUTION LIST Table for the member
mailboxes. A message header is supplied to each of the mailboxes.
When the message is listened to, the header tells the system where that
message is stored. The message is not sent to the creator of the
message, even if their mailbox is listed as a member ma&ox.
A Distribution List is addressed by its pilot number. The pilot number
must fim be created in the USER Table as a mailbox with no extension.
Once a mailbox is converted into a Distribution List, it cannot be logged
onto, and it cannot receive individual or broadcast messages; it only
serves as the Distribution List’s address. Each mailbox included in the
list must also already exist in the USER Table or be a valid network
After recording, during the addressing options, use a Distribution List
pilot number in the same way as a normal mailbox address. Multiple
appearances of the same mail& address are treated as one appearance.
Only one message is sent to the mailbox, no matter how many times it is
listed in a Distribution List.
tU When a Return Receipt message is requested for a message sent to
a Distribution List, a message is sent back from each member of the
list. Depending upon the size of the list, more messages may be
received than can be stored in a normal mailt~~,
For Multiple-Cabinet and Multl-Location Network Systems
A network mailbox, defined as a regular mailbox number preceded by a
Network Location Code, may actually be a Distribution List number on
the destination system. The destination system would deliver the
message to all mailboxes on that list.
Extended Mailboxes The maximum number of messages per mailbox is 32 When a mailbox
is configured as an Extended Mailbox, excess messages, over the
maximum limit of 32 are placed in the next member mailbox
Lf messages are erased from the pilot mailbox, new messages are placed in
the pilot mailbox before being placed in any member mailbox. If someone
is logged ON to the pilot mailbox and the mailbox is not full, merges are
queued to the pilot mailbox. The queued messages are then delivered to
the pilot mailbox after it has been logged OFF.
In high traffic applications, assign COS Attribute 71 - TRANSCRFIION
MAllBOX, to the pilot mailbox so that all messages are placed immediately
in a member mailbox.
Tahllss w syzterm f+c4eas5.3 May. 1881