6 F 3 B 0 3 6 2
e. TCP receive request
This program issues a TCP receive request for socket number 8 on the Ethernet Port.
This ladder program is executed by turning on the A contact on the R0631.
Parameters: 12544: 3100H, 00056: 0038H
Reception data word count: RW103
Reception data storage registers: D4000 and above
Reception data transfer destination registers: D1001 and above
Reception timeout time: 1800 seconds
| /* TCP receive request: executed when R0631 is set on. */ |
| |
|R0631 |
1|-| |-+[12544 MOV RW000][00056 MOV RW001]----------------------------|
| | /* Module designation, CMD number setup */
| | |
| +[00008 MOV RW002][RW103 MOV RW003]----------------------------|
| | /* Socket identifier, reception data word count setup */
| | |
| +[00004 MOV RW004][04000 MOV RW005][18000 MOV RW006]-----------|
| | /* Reception data storage register type, register number,
|timeout time setup */
| | |
| +-|^|-+[00004 MOV RW021][04001 MOV RW022]----------------------|
| | | /* Data transfer source register type, number setup */
| | | |
| | +[00001 MOV RW025]---------------------------------------|
| | | /* Data transfer count setup */
| | | |
| | +[00004 MOV RW023][01001 MOV RW024]----------------------|
| | | /* Data transfer destination register type, number setup */
| | | |
| | +[RW103 + 01000 -> RW008]-----------------------------|
| | /* Transmission event count setup */
| | |
| +[SET R0635][RST R0631]----------------------------------------|
| |