9. Press the Mode button.
IO. Dial 0.
To Receive a Called Station
1, Press the Intercom and
Msg button.
To Set a Calling Station
Message for Another Station:
1. Press the Mode button when
your telephone is idle.
2. Dial 9 5.
3. Dial the “destination” station
4. Press the Page button.
5. Enter the desired message
6. Press the Page button.
7. Press the Mode button
8. Dial 0.
The LCD displays “MODE NO.?”
The LCD displays date/day/time. The LCD then displays “SENT NNM” at
originating station, and the originating station number and a message
indication are displayed on the destination station LCD.
The message will display on the destination station LCD.
The LCD displays “MODE?”
The LCD displays “MODE 95 DEST EKT NO.?”
The LCD displays “MODE 95 DEST EKT NO.NN”.
The LCD displays “MSG NO.?”
The LCD displays the message.
The LCD displays “MSG NO.?”
Remote calling station messaging allows you to set a caling station
message for only one station at a time.
The LCD displays “MODE NO.?”
Your LCD shows the time and date. The message is displayed at the
“destination” station, Any station calling the “destination” station receives
the message.
When reaching a busy or DND LCD station, a message can be sent to
that station (an audible tone will be heard). The busy or DND station may
also return a message to the calling station’s LCD. The two stations may
continue this procedure to carry on a “silent” conversation.
To Send a Message to a Busy or
DND Station:
1. Call the desired station.
2. Press the Mode button.
3. Dial 2.
4. Enter the desired message
5. Press the Page button.
To Return a Message (within 30
Seconds) from the Busy Station
After Receiving a “Busy
Station” Message:
1. Press the Mode button.
2. Dial 2.
3. Enter the desired message
4. Press the Page button.
Soft Keys must be off (MODE 70) at the sending and receiving
stations for this feature to operate.
Listen for a busy tone.
The LCD displays “MODE NO.?”
The LCD displays “OVER TO STNN MSG NO?”
Personal message (10 - 19) and system message (60 - 99). The LCD
displays the message.
The LCD displays “MSG SEND”. The destination station beeps four times
and the message is displayed for 30 seconds, or until the originating
station hangs up.
The LCD displays “MODE NO?”
The LCD displays “OVER TO STNN MSG NO?”
Personal message (IO - 19) and system message (60 - 99). The LCD
displays the message.
The LCD displays “MSG SEND”