
STE 58792
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Section 2 Clean Robot Basic Specifications
2.1 Basic Robot Specifications
Table 2.1 shows the basic specifications of the clean robot.
Table 2.1 Basic robot specifications
Model SR–654HSP–CR SR–1054HSP–CR
Arm length Full length 650 mm 1,050 mm
Arm 1 350 mm 580 mm
Arm 2 300 mm 470 mm
Operating range Axis 1 ±115° ±115°
Axis 2 ±140° ±145°
Axis 3 (vertical) 185 mm 185 mm
Axis 4 (wrist rotation) ±280° ±360°
Maximum speed Axis 1 255°/s 170°/s
Axis 2 360°/s 270°/s
Axis 3 (vertical) 800 mm/s 800 mm/s
Axis 4 (wrist rotation) 864°/s 576°/s
Composite 4.77 m/s 5.33 m/s
Load Mass of workpiece to
be carried
5 kgf (rated)
(Max. 10 kgf)
10 kgf (rated)
(Max. 20 kgf)
Permissible inertia
moment at the tip
0.0663 kgf·m
0.1 kgf·m
Repeatability X, Y (plane) ±0.02 mm ±0.03 mm
Axis 3 (vertical) ±0.01 mm ±0.02 mm
Axis 4 (wrist rotation) ±0.03° ±0.03°
Tool wiring and air piping 12 cables and 2 pipelines
Degree of cleanliness Designed for cleanliness 10 (¿ Note 1)
Drive system AC servo motor
Mass of the basic body 65 kgf 95 kgf
Robot controller SR7000
Note 1: Cleanliness 10:
When this robot is operated in the clean bench (cleanliness 1 or less)
installed in the downflow clean room, the number of fine particles of 0.3
µm or over contained in 1 ft
as measured in the plane of the lower end
position of axis 3 stroke is ten (10) or less.
Air speed of downflow is 0.3 ~ 0.5 m/s.