
Shift In Strata CS, a period that divides up call center statistics for easy comparative
See Also: call center (p. G-4)
Silent Hold In Strata CS, when the user puts a caller on silent hold, the repeated
playing of Strata CSs call-handling prompts (Press 1 to transfer, and so forth) are
suppressed. From the callers point of view, silent hold is identical to regular hold, as the
caller still hears call-handling prompts and hold music, if it is used.
See also: hold (p. G-14)
Simultaneous ring The process in which a single call is sent simultaneously to all
members of a workgroup. All phones ring simultaneously, and the first user who answers
is connected to the caller. Simultaneous ring is one method of distribution for call centers
and ACD workgroups.
See also: ACD workgroup (p. G-1), call center (p. G-4), automatic call distribution
(ACD) (p. G-3), round robin call distribution (p. G-22), top-down call distribution (p.
Small Office/Home Office Also called: SOHO
The Small Office/Home Office telecom market. Commonly comprised of consultants,
small businesses, and telecommuters.
See also: Remote Office/Branch Office (ROBO) (p. G-21)
Speed Dial A shortcut to a frequently dialed phone number.
Splash Ring Pattern A ring pattern in which 2 or 3 short rings are grouped
together, followed by a pause.
See also: ring pattern (p. G-21)
SQL Server A Microsoft database Server application. The Strata CS database is stored
in SQL Server and is accessible by the Strata CS Server and its clients.
Station Any phone connected to Strata CS.
See also: station ID (p. G-23)
Station ID The number that uniquely identifies a telephone connected to Strata CS.
Multiple extensions can share a single station ID, which allows different users to receive
calls at the same phone.
See also: extension (p. G-12), station (p. G-23)
Station License A license purchased from Toshiba for each Strata CS phone
See also: station (p. G-23)