2.4 System Board Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting Procedures
5. Execute GETDPORT.COM in the text menu in CPU REAL mode. (Insert the FD for
starting D port into FDD and input “FD starting drive:>dport”.)
The D port status is displayed in the following form;
6. When the D port status is FFFFh (normal status), go to Procedure 3.
7. When the D port status falls into any status in Table 2-4, execute Check 1.
Table 2-4 Debug port error status (1/7)
D port status Inspection items Details
F000h Clear of software reset bit
Permission of A20 line
Initialization of special register and M1535
PIT CH0 initialization (for HOLD_ON)
BIOS rewrite factor flag initialization
Check sum check
Transition to protected mode
Boot block checksum Program halt when check sum error
Checksum other than boot block
F001h EC/KBC rewrite check
BIOS rewrite process when rewrite is
KBC initialization sequence
Send KB Enables command.
Check F12 key
Initialization of security controller
BIOS rewrite request check Check sum error except BootBlock
when “F12 rewrite” is requested
BIOS signature check
BIOS rewrite process
Transition to System BIOS IRT
BIOS rewrite Initialization of H/W of unique function
for each model
Initialization of I/O space for GPIO
Permission of BIOS writing
Serial interrupt control
2-22 PORTEGE M300 Maintenance Manual (960-504)